Bipolar Symptom Checker

Wondering about Bipolar symptoms? Complete the short Bipolar symptom screening to learn more about your symptoms.

Mood Swings
Common Questions

About Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic-depressive illness, is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).

In both disorders, moods swing between high and low. The main difference lies in the severity of the mania episodes. In Bipolar 1, the mania episodes are more severe, while in Bipolar 2, they are less severe (hypomania) but accompanied by periods of depression.

Common symptoms include intense emotional states (either euphoric or depressive), changes in sleep patterns and activity levels, difficulty with daily tasks, impulsivity, poor decision-making abilities and suicidal tendencies.

Diagnosis involves a psychiatric evaluation and sometimes additional tests to rule out other conditions. Your mental health professional will assess your symptoms’ patterns to determine if it’s Bipolar I or II.

Certainly! Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental health condition that can have both mild and severe impacts on a person’s life. While it currently does not have a cure, bipolar disorder can be managed effectively with the right treatment plan.

It’s important to remember that “fully recovery” doesn’t necessarily mean eradicating all symptoms or stopping medication but rather learning how to manage the condition effectively so it doesn’t interfere with one’s quality of life. Each person’s experience with bipolar disorder is unique - what works for one individual might not work for another. Therefore, personalized treatment plans play an essential role in managing this condition.

Yes! DBT is shown to be beneficial for individuals with bipolar disorder as it helps manage emotions better, reduces impulsive behaviors, enhances interpersonal relationships and builds distress tolerance.

No. DBT is generally used in combination with medication management under professional supervision for treating bipolar disorder.

Not necessarily. The need for dbt would depend upon each individual’s specific struggles , symptom severity along with their current coping mechanisms etc.

DBT teaches effective communication, assertiveness and conflict resolution strategies which can help improve interactions within various social settings including workplace environments.

While not a guaranteed prevention method, regular practice of DBT skills can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of manic or depressive episodes over time.

Flexible, adaptable, and adjustable therapy to fit your needs

Comprehensive DBT at STG Health Services focuses on guiding you toward a life worth living, acceptance, and relief.

Learn more about DBT

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy or DBT is a type of cognitive-behavioural therapy developed specifically for treating individuals with Borderline personality disorder, and has been adapted to also treat Bipolar Disorder. It encourages patients to accept their feelings while also working on changing unhealthy behaviours.

Yes! Studies have found that individuals diagnosed with bipolar who participated in DBT showed improvements in emotional regulation and reductions in depression scores compared to those who did not participate.

DBT typically involves both individual therapy sessions for addressing personal troubles and group therapy sessions where skills are taught. The combination provides personalized strategies while fostering peer interaction.

While dialectical behaviour therapy was initially developed for helping those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, it has been successfully used in various other conditions such as Bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and substance use disorders among others.

The term “dialectical” comes from the concept of balancing opposites which underpins much of this therapeutic approach; the process usually involves accepting feelings as they currently stand while simultaneously working towards changing negative behaviours.

Dbt skills training encompasses structured lessons taught within group settings aiming to impart major skill sets including mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness , emotion regulation & distress tolerance.

Mindfulness refers to being fully aware & present within any given moment without passing judgement; this practice helps individuals better understand their thoughts & feelings without getting overwhelmed by them.

Interpersonal effectiveness encompasses learning numerous strategies designed expressly for improving interactions such as making requests, setting boundaries, handling conflicts effectively.

Emotion regulation teaches how best to identify and understand your own emotions, reduce emotional vulnerability, decrease negative emotions while increasing positive ones instead. The goal here being able providing healthier ways dealing intense feelings.

Distress tolerance focuses upon accepting discomforting situations rather than avoiding them. Skills include distraction techniques, self soothing practices improving those moments tactics and acceptance focused techniques etc .